85990 – UNIX and Linux Advanced User

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  • Code: 85990
  • Duration: Days 2
  • Price per delegate: £500.00 +VAT

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Course Description
You know how to use the command line interface in UNIX and Linux to perform basic tasks. However, at times, you may need to perform certain complex tasks, which require a more detailed knowledge of the file-management and text-processing utilities. The UNIX and Linux: Advanced User course expands on some of the basic file-management and text-processing utilities and commands, and also introduces several advanced utilities and commands. The course provides a foundation for further studies in the UNIX and Linux programming or administration domains.

Target Student:
Novice UNIX and/or Linux users who are migrating to a UNIX or Linux or to a mixed Windows/UNIX/Linux environment.

Prerequisites: The user should be proficient in using the basic system functions, such as opening and saving files, managing windows, starting applications, and configuring desktop preferences of the Windows operating system. The user should also be familiar with personal computer (PC) concepts, such as hardware, software, processing, and data storage. The user should have taken UNIX and Linux: Fundamentals or possess equivalent knowledge.

Performance-Based Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
customize the UNIX and Linux shell environment.
work with files.
work with text.
manage files by using advanced techniques.
work with shell scripts.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Customizing the Shell Environment
    Topic 1A: Understand the KornShell
    Topic 1B: Display the Shell Variables
    Topic 1C: Customize the KornShell Environmental Files
    Topic 1D: Create Aliases
Lesson 2: Working with Files
    Topic 2A: Redirect Output
    Topic 2B: Combine Commands
    Topic 2C: Perform Advanced File Searches
    Topic 2D: Compare Files
Lesson 3: Working with Text
    Topic 3A: Search for Text Patterns
    Topic 3B: Work with Lines and Fields
    Topic 3C: Format Text
    Topic 3D: Locate Patterns and Process Text
    Topic 3E: Process Text in Real Time
Lesson 4: Managing Files
    Topic 4A: Determine the Disk Space Used by Files
    Topic 4B: Manage Links
    Topic 4C: Compress Files
    Topic 4D: Archive Files
Lesson 5: Working with Shell Scripts
    Topic 5A: Create Shell Scripts
    Topic 5B: Execute Statements Conditionally
    Topic 5C: Execute Statements Repeatedly
    Topic 5D: Use Functions