JSAP – Advanced Javascript Programming

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  • Code: JSAP
  • Duration: Days 2
  • Price per delegate: £500.00 +VAT

Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description

In this Advanced JavaScript Programming class, you will learn advanced JavaScript techniques and good standard coding conventions. You will also learn advanced form validation with Regular Expressions, to manipulate the HTML DOM and to create jump menus and cascading select menus. Finally, you will learn to manipulate CSS with JavaScript to create applications using Dynamic HTML.

Target Student:
This course is intended for students with experience with JavaScript basics and HTML. Some experience with CSS is also beneficial


HTML, basic JavaScript. Introduction to JavaScript

Delivery Method:

Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Performance-Based Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Review JavaScript functions and the DOM.
  • Introduce/review XmlHttpRequest and JSON.
  • Use advanced techniques, such as anonymous function.
  • Use regular expressions for advanced form validation.
  • Create dynamic forms with JavaScript.
  • Create dynamic web applications with JavaScript and Dynamic HTML.
  • Check for browser support on a feature by feature basis.
  • Create dynamic menus.
  • Create stunning visual effects with Dynamic HTML.
  • Position elements dynamically.
  • Modify content on the fly.

Course Content

1) Quick JavaScript Recap
a) Primitive data types
     i) Null
     ii) Undefined
     iii) Boolean
     iv) Number
v) String
b) Native Types
     i) Date
     ii) Array
     iii) Object
     iv) Regular Expressions
c) Functions
d) The DOM
     i) The DOM is not JavaScript
     ii) JavaScript is not the DOM
     iii) The window object
e) The XMLHttpRequest object

2) Advanced Techniques
a) Optional Function Arguments
b) Truthy and Falsy
c) Default Operator 
     i) Default Operator Gotcha!
d) Functions Passed as Arguments
e) Anonymous Functions
f) Inner Functions
g) Observing and Capturing Events
h) The eval() Function
     i) Variable Scope
j) Error Handling
     i) Runtime Errors
k) The delete Operator

3) Regular Expressions
a) Getting Started
     i) JavaScript's Regular Expression Methods
     ii) Flags
     iii) String Methods
b) Regular Expression Syntax
     i) Start and End ( ^ $ )
     ii) Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
     iii) Common Characters ( . d D w W s S )
     iv) Grouping ( [] )
       v) Negation ( ^ )
     vi) Subpatterns ( () )
     vii) Alternatives ( | )
     viii) Escape Character ( )
c) Backreferences
d) Form Validation with Regular Expressions
e) Cleaning Up Form Entries
4) The HTML Document Object Model
a) innerHTML
b) Accessing Element Nodes
     i) getElementById()
     ii) getElementsByTagName()
     iii) getElementsByClassName()
     iv) querySelectorAll()
     v) querySelector()
c) Accessing Element and Text Nodes Hierarchically
d) Attaching Events
     i) Event Propagation: Capturing and Bubbling
     ii) Detaching Events
e) Accessing Attribute Nodes 
     i) getAttribute()
     ii) attributes[]
f) Accessing Nodes by Type, Name or Value
     i) nodeType
     ii) nodeName